Visit our Puppy Page for Upcoming Litters
Garrett's daugher Montana is Number 1 Border Collie Puppy - Australia!!!!
Present Show Team
Amer. Grand CH Jule Too's Affairs of the Heart
Legend of Braveheart Fame and Glory to Jule Too
Past Show Team
Jule Too's My Affair to Remember
CH Clan-Abby Legacie-O-Stars "Kip"
CH Etherial Destiny Unbound "Zell"
CH Jule Too's Pride of the South "Ben"
CH Jule Too Legacy's Your the Tops HSAs, HIAs, HXAs, HSBs, HIBs, HTADIII, ATDs, CGC "Tops"
CH Jule Too's It Had to be You "Gunner"
Amer. CH Jule Too's Come By the Hills
Copyright 2018 Juletoo Border Collies at Meadowcreek Farm
Lisa Schneider Phone (256)757-6526 (Home/Farm) (256)710-2680 (Cell)