Jule Too's My Affair to Remember

Multi Ch. Jumpingriver Multi Ch. Skynavigator Ita Ch. Borderbay Moonlightnight Multi CH. Nahrof Moonlighting
Borderbay Scentofawoman
Borderbay Livingcolors Multi CH. Glentress Lord Othe Chat
Ita Mco CH Sidney Borderbay
Ita Int Ch. Valeroft Dark Charm from Fayken Sh Ch. Tonkory Plamerston at Fayken JW Multi Ch. Beagold Mr Lennox
Sh Ch Lux Ch Mobella Team Spirit at Tonkory
Valecroft Alie Springs Multi Ch. Borderfame Heart N Soul
Valecroft Luck be a Lady
Jule Too's Petals from Heaven Amer. Grand Ch. Jule Too's Affairs of the Heart Amer. Ch. BB's Barnstorming Daredevil Amer. Ch Kybota Wildblue Rhythem
Amer. Ch BB's Lifes a Dance
Jule Too's Million Dollar Baby Aust Ch Tookurra Catch a Star
Amer GCh. Jule Too's Here We Go Again
Jule Too's Million Dollar Baby Aust Ch Tookurra Catch a Star Aust Ch Tullacrest Thiefa Heart
Aust Ch Tookurra Believe N Magic
Amer GCh. Jule Too's Here We Go Again Amer. Ch. Jule Too's It Had to be You
Amer Ch. Jule Too's Apple of My Eye





Copyright 2018 Juletoo Border Collies at Meadowcreek Farm

Lisa Schneider
(256)757-6526 (Home/Farm)
(256)710-2680 (Cell)
